Jonas heter jag och har hittat din blogg, intressant och bra.
Dessutom verkar du duktig på trading.
Har själv vidrört ämnet periodvis, med blandade resultat. Det som gick bäst förr var iaf live-tennis. Har precis investerat i en laptop och så sakteliga börjat igen.
Undrar lite ang din trading, inom tennis.
Tradar du direkt på betfairs hemsida el använder du någon mjukvara?
Körde med bettraders själv förut men "harvar" på hemsidan nu. Finns visst något på hemsidan som heter Betfair Rapid - någon erfarenhet utav den?
Vilka matnyttiga sidor använder du?
Kör du med scoreboard eller streamar du matcher?
Vore kul om du svarade, finns inte många att fråga sådana saker om
Mvh Jonas
Jonas is my name and found your blog, interesting and good.
Furthermore, you seem good at trading.
Have yourself touched the topic periodically, with mixed results. It went better sooner was anyway live tennis. Having just invested in a laptop and slowly started again.
Wondering little about how you trade tennis.
Do you trade directly on Betfair website or do you use any software?
I used bettraders before but I use the website nowwadays. There is something on the website called Betfair Rapid - any experience out of it?
Which tennis webpages do you use?
Are you running the scoreboard or stream you matches?
Regards Jonas
Hello Jonas!
First of all thanks for the kind words.
I have never used the website for trading basically. I do know alot of very succesful people do use the website only. This is from what I have read on various blogs etc.
I use Geektoys and I find it good enough for me. I have tried Bet Angel aswell but being so used and comfortable with geektoys I have sticked to it. I find it quite cheap aswell. Bet Angel have a cool feature that you can connect the markets to excel and basically do anything excel can do handling data. As you might have guessed by now I have never tried Betfair Rapid. Never heard anything about it either, sorry.
Tennis infromaition websites I use is the ones I have linked on the right handside here on the blog.
For scoreboards and streams I only use bet365.
Good luck with you trading Jonas!